Since he appeared at the Blue Note(1988)and Village Gate(1990) among others,he has been strongly influenced by many great jazz artists through session in New york.
He has jammed and giged with such notables as John Ore, Jimmy Lovelace, Cecil Payne,Al Harewood, Art Taylor, Eldee young, Bob Cunningham, Louis hayes, Ron McClure, Victor Lewis, Ray Drummond and Billy Hart for whom he composed and arranged a number of pieces.
He received his Master of Arts degree from City college of City University of New York (Musical Composition'92-'96) and he also studied classical music at Mannes College of Music(Conducting'90-'92)and he has studied Jazz piano at The Brooklyn conservatory of music('88-'90)and The Jazzmobile('88-'92) in Harlem. Swan Kim's teaching credits begin in 1998 as a founding member of Jazz Program at the Seoul National University.
He continues to conduct master classes, seminars and Jazz workshops throughout Seoul, Korea. He was also an director of Han-jun Art Center's Jazz Program from 2001-02. He came back to Seoul to settle down in Korea in 1997. Since then, he has established Jazz programs at a number of different locations in Seoul. These include, the Seoul National University, the Seoul Conservatory of music, and Graduate school of Performing Art at Ewha Women University(2007~).
He also produced and performed various Jazz-Festivals at Mu-ju International Jazz- fest(played solo piano'97)and Il-san Jazz-fest.('99),Yang-pyong Jazz-fest.(2000) as a Jazz coordinator. Mr Kim continues to teach privately, conduct clinics, workshops, residencies and Jazz festivals throughout Seoul, Korea. As a leader of his own trio and SJS(Seoul Jazz Society) ensemble, Swan Kim brings his influences and experiences into the Blues, Gospel, Latin, European Classical and Be-bop in his compositions, arrangements, repertoire and ensemble concepts. Swan Kim is currently the Chair of the Jazz department at the Conservatory of Music of Soong-sil University in Seoul,Korea.
E-mail to: swankim8 @
뉴욕을 중심으로 10여년간 연주활동하다,내한초청공연으로 일시귀국 했다가,
97년 무주국제-재즈페스티벌에 솔로피아노와 마스터클래스로 국내처음소개 됐으며,.
98년-2001년/서울대학교 음악대학(서음연구소)에 재즈과목을 국내최초로 개설. 재즈과정주임교수를 역임 했다.
99년일산재즈페스티벌과 2000년양평재즈페스티벌등을 직접제작 지휘,감독.
2001년 한전아츠센터에 재즈학과설립과,국내최초의 재즈콩쿨을 개최했다.
현재,이화여대 공연예술대학원에 초청 강의 중이며(2007-)
숭실대학교 컨서바토리 주임교수(2002- )로 재직중이다.
김성관 E-mail: swankim8 @