restriction. To use this method, mark the region of text you wish to indent or outdent, then move the point to the left or right the number of horizontal spaces you want to insert or delete. We use it to mean all rules for the physical layout of a program, such as when … Sometimes, you may want to reindent several lines of code at a time. Thus, if you want to change the levels of indentation to be 3 spaces instead of 2 spaces, set c-basic-offset to 3. 89% Upvoted. Emacs has a strange default behavior when backspacing tabs. If you prefer, all indentation can be made from spaces only. (For example, you might indent many lines of text all at once with the indent-region command.) Here’s an example .dir-locals.el that uses tabs and highlights leading spaces to keep you honest: If other people are working on the same code, you might want to use EditorConfig and the emacs extension. By default, Emacs inserts tabs in place of multiple spaces when it formats a region. My tab-stop-list has been edited to be 2 4 8... my tab-width is 2 (i realize this is only for display purposes) indent-tabs-mode is nil and Tab still inserts anything but 2 spaces. If you prefer, all indentation can be made from spaces only. GNU General Public License. uses the local mode indent width - which is not that difficult, but as I dedicate a section of my init to setting these widths I thought I should at least update the custom indent function I had. This indents the region by one column. The following is from the NEWS file for Emacs 20.2: "In Text mode, now only blank lines separate paragraphs. 7. Free Documentation License, the In Emacs, how do you indent the whole block at once. Instead of backspacing the whole tab, it backspaces the tab one space at a time. It is t (true) by default; to deactivate it, put the following in .emacs. Remember, often the indentation engines of major modes can be customized. the The following customisation works with GNU Emacs 21.3. In addition, these editors can be configured to generate a mix of tabs and spaces or to convert between tabs and spaces, to match specific indentation schemes. In version 1.2 and more recent versions, the GNU style of indenting is the default. Emacs normally uses both tabs and spaces to indent lines. If you prefer, all indentation can be made from spaces only. that is: 4 spaces for the body and 2 spaces for the with form. Another way to indent is with ‘open-rectangle’, and unindent with ‘kill-rectangle’, usually bound to ‘C-x r o’ and ‘C-x r k’ respectively. Maybe when I upgrade to Emacs … With tab-width equal to the default value of 8, Emacs would insert 1 tab plus 2 spaces. the work, as long as that license imposes the restriction that @yyoncho I found a problem in real language server (clangd-10.0.0) that the current behavior (using Emacs indentation instead of relative indentation) not working. Makefile and ChangeLog files are excluded, since TAB characters are part of their format. Here is an example: The cases and following bracket is wrongly indented. Spaces. (I found the variable tab-width by using apropos-variable to search for “tab”.) uses the local mode indent width - which is not that difficult, but as I dedicate a section of my init to setting these widths I thought I should at least update the custom indent function I had. GNU by 2 spaces) after all the keywords, like def, class, module, begin etc, but when breaking parameter lists across multiple lines, it indents to a seemingly random position, like 40 or so columns over. Alternatively, the command C-M-\ (indent-region) indents every line in the region, whether or not the mark is active (see Indentation Commands). derivative works have to grant the same rights and impose the same Tabs look fine on a terminal or with ordinary printing, but they produce badly indented output when you use TeX or Texinfo since TeX ignores tabs. js-indent-level is 4. The displayed width for tabs can be set to arbitrary values in most programming editors, including Notepad++ (MS-Windows), TextEdit (MacOS/X), Emacs (unix), vi (unix), and nano (unix). (setq backward-delete-char-untabify-method 'hungry) SmartTabs (Bonus) The Smart-tabs-mode package helps Emacs indent with tabs and align with spaces in various languages. So in other words, explain-pause-mode tries to explain sources of user latency. To request this, set indent-tabs-mode to nil.This is a per-buffer variable, so altering the variable affects only the current buffer, but there is a default value which you can change as well. GNU General Public License. deprecated's answer is very good, but it didn't quite work for me. Why make Emacs dumber than it is? This code lets you just select a region and interactively move it left or right. Just four spaces and I'll ignore any setting you have. CreativeCommons The variable indent-tabs-mode controls whether tabs are used for indentation. Remember that C-u by itself is used as multiplication by 4 – thus `C-u C-x TAB´ will indent by 4, and `C-u C-u C-x TAB´ will indent by 16. Space to Tab exchange rate in code alignment. HTML file? Alternatively, you may choose to receive this work under any other This is a per-buffer variable; altering the variable affects only the current buffer, but there … CreativeCommons Close. This makes it possible to get the full benefit of Adaptive Fill mode in Text mode, and other modes derived from it (such as Mail mode). share. 26.3.2 Indenting Several Lines. Only change these variables when you know what you are doing. If you prefer, all indentation can be made from spaces only. restriction. Why is the default indent in CC mode 2 spaces? The problem is that emacs default indentation is 2 spaces, so every attempt to indent a line fails to align properly. The problem is that emacs default indentation is 2 spaces, so every attempt to indent a line fails to align properly. Why is the default indent in CC mode 2 spaces? Spaces. Is it possible to make Emacs use a smart mix of tabs and spaces? This is this way with emacs -q as well (just using my … License, the XEmacs manual license, or To use this method, mark the region of text you wish to indent or outdent, then move the point to the left or right the number of horizontal spaces you want to insert or delete. u/extremeaxe5. 4 comments. 4 comments. I am not an experienced Emacs user, but just find it is the best tool for working through ssh. The function is called with a single argument containing the cons of the syntactic symbol and the buffer position, if any. the nil globally, t for languages in which I use smart-tabs-mode to indent with tabs and align with spaces (my setup: global part, example language-specific part).. Useful mnemonics: ‘r o’ = region open, ‘r k’ = region kill. u/extremeaxe5. The rest of this page will assume tabs are used and discuss the use of the following two variables: You should ensure these variables have the same value to avoid interoperability problems with other editors (TextMate, for example) that are unable to separate tab width from indentation. If you want to remove tabs in an existing file, mark the whole buffer using C-x h and use M-x untabify. ;; Highlight leading space characters in Haskell files. Emacs normally uses both tabs and spaces to indent lines. Normally, indentation commands insert (or remove) the shortest possible series of tab and space characters so as to align to the desired column. ;; The 'nil' configuration applies to all modes. When many pauses of the same kind occur, it also generates profiling reports that can be … ShareAlike 7. Set tab_width to 10 in .editorconfig for example. 24.3 Tabs vs. I've tried several things, so far, but without success. Alternatively, you may choose to receive this work under any other (setq backward-delete-char-untabify-method 'hungry) SmartTabs (Bonus) The Smart-tabs-mode package helps Emacs indent with tabs and align with spaces in various languages. Spaces . This includes all *.h, *.c, *.y files, except for the regex module. I have tried multiple solutions *I've gone into the configuration menu and changed indentation there (and saved it) but emacs ignores it (and resets it all upon restart too, which is weird). Please consider configuring emacs to show tabs as two spaces, i.e. Working with Python in Emacs if I want to add a try/except to a block of code, I often find that I am having to indent the whole block, line by line. When I write code in Emacs and press Return, the indentation is automatically set to 4 spaces even if I set it yo 2: (setq tab-width 2) ; or any other preferred value (defvaralias 'c-basic-offset 'tab-width) (defvaralias 'cperl-indent-level 'tab-width) Emacs can figure out how much indentation you need and do the right thing! Alternatively, the command C-M-\ (indent-region) indents every line in the region, whether or not the mark is active (see Indentation Commands). I'm ok with the mix if spaces are used for cosmetic alignment, but this is just wrong: First level of indentation is spaces, second is tab, third is tab and spaces. Random choice between getting four spaces or tabbing to previous line indent. Why is the default indent in CC mode 2 spaces? Emacs. While reading the following and the Emacs documentation: we have to recall that sexp in Emacs jargon is an expression delimited by parentheses, in the case of Scheme code a sexp is a form. You can fix that in the following way. Just four spaces and I'll ignore any setting you have. Proper indentation (tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment) is still pretty hard to configure in most editors in my experience. save hide report. r/emacs. license that grants the right to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute To request this, set indent-tabs-mode to nil. Add the following to your ~/.emacs file: This work is licensed to you under version 2 of the The key is usually bound to do some mode-specific indentation. similar licenses. To request this, set indent-tabs-mode to nil. If indent_size = 2, set lisp-indent-offset to nil, instead of 2; If indent_size = , set lisp-indent-offset to the number (behavior as now) Set to a number (eg: 4) Behavior the same as set to t, but the number which get's overriden to nil is changed. I tried looking for relevant variables. HTML file? Use the following line to tell Emacs to never use tab characters for indentation: (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) Use t rather than nil to tell Emacs to use tab characters where appropriate. This function indents up to the indentation of the previous line, then up to the next word in the previous line, and if none is found, according to TabStopList. So you're already getting tabs. Using a function as the offset value provides the ultimate flexibility in customizing indentation. On the other hand, VSCode indent the code with 5-space-long tab in the first place. You can “outdent” the region as well by using a negative prefix: `C-u - 3 C-x TAB´ outdents by 3. To request this, set indent-tabs-mode to nil.This is a per-buffer variable, so altering the variable affects only the current buffer, but there is a default value which you can change as well. Then type ‘C-x r o’ or ‘C-x r k’. Emacs normally uses both tabs and spaces to indent lines. save hide report. I had to redefine the function with the changed indent character, and that worked. indent understands a substantial amount about the syntax of C, but it also attempts to cope with incomplete and misformed syntax.. This work is licensed to you under version 2 of the Note that the default amount of indentation is 2 spaces, and the default tab width is 8 columns, so you need at least 4 levels of indentation to see a tab. See IndentingC for examples. 89% Upvoted. User account menu. For example, if you usually use spaces ((indent-tabs-mode nil)) to indent, and the project you’re working on uses tabs, then you can add a .dir-locals.el to the root directory of the project to make Emacs treat files in the project specially. S.3 Tabs vs. Python file? Free Documentation License, the S.3 Tabs vs. Let me know what you think. Tabs vs. Useful mnemonics: ‘r o’ = region open, ‘r k’ = region kill. This will only affect the way your files look in Emacs; if you look at your files with another command or program (like the cat or more commands), the tabs will contain eight spaces. This is of course possible, but discouraged. It is easier to change it to insert a tab and then change tabs into 4 spaces than change it to insert 4 spaces. CPerl uses the default Emacs settings for tab usage, and the Emacs default is to use tabs. It is very intuitive, once you get rid of the idea that TAB should insert a tab character. Especially if you are planning to ever share the code. 1 month ago. Indenting Common Lisp Introduction The term indentation refers to the amount of white space at the beginning of lines of code. Indent with/without space. ShareAlike log in sign up. Let’s create a function that cycles tab-width between 2, 4 and 8 spaces. People new to Emacs often feel like they just want to insert a tab. With proposed relative indent, that problem is not happen. I have tried multiple solutions *I've gone into the configuration menu and changed indentation there (and saved it) but emacs ignores it (and resets it all upon restart too, which is weird). Sometimes, you may want to reindent several lines of code at a time. Emacs indents the code with 2 spaces. 7. Emacs has a strange default behavior when backspacing tabs. This is a per-buffer variable; altering the variable affects only the current buffer, but there … Finally, here’s some simple elisp for really easy indenting. The indent Program . Example: `C-u 5 C-x TAB´ to indent by 5. The indent program can be used to make code easier to read. I'm currently on Emacs 24.4 and org 8.2.4, and advising org-indent-initialize didn't do anything. To convert existing code that uses spaces to using tabs, use M-x tabify or reindent the entire file (C-x h C-M-\). Spaces. So I am trying to get the Aggressive Indent package to use 2 spaces for indentation - A.I. License, the XEmacs manual license, or 1 month ago. Specially modes based on CC Mode are notorious for their support of styles. Another way is to use `C-x TAB´ to indent the region. explain-pause-mode is a minor mode that measures and explains when Emacs has paused doing work for a long time. Spaces . For example, you may choose to receive this work under Here’s an example .dir-locals.el that uses tabs and highlights leading spaces to keep you honest: By default, there is one display tab stop every tab-width columns (the default is 8). Use a numeric prefix argument to change this. Finally, here’s some simple elisp for really easy indenting. You can fix that in the following way. The following two commands will be useful when looking at the examples below: If you are indenting Perl and the mode is configured to indent by four, and you didn’t change the variables above, then the following example will use no tabs! Close. I often come across source code where one file expects tabs to equal 8 spaces, and another file in the same directory—or even other lines within the same file—want a tab to be 4 spaces. To change the tab size in Emacs, add the following line to your .emacs file: (setq default-tab-width #) Replace # with the number of spaces at which you would like to set your tabs. It also randomly seems to stop working depending on the phase of the moon when it was previously working. derivative works have to grant the same rights and impose the same For example, you may choose to receive this work under Rely on the indentation suggested by the Emacs major modes (but see also Project-specific Indentation Configuration, below). 26.3.2 Indenting Several Lines. 1.4.2 Indent with spaces not TABs. One way to do this is to use the mark; when the mark is active and the region is non-empty, TAB indents every line in the region. Why is the default indent in CC mode 2 spaces? Emacs normally uses both tabs and spaces to indent lines. Posted by. When coding in emacs, in ruby-mode, it indents to the correct level (i.e. (setq default-tab-width 2) in your ~/.emacs, then use the default style (go fmt.) So I am trying to get the Aggressive Indent package to use 2 spaces for indentation - A.I. r/emacs. 7. There are no eight spaces in it to replace with a tab. It can also convert from one style of writing C to another. (setq-default c-basic-offset 4 tab-width 4 indent-tabs-mode t) This works because Emacs will indent something by four, and since a tab is four wide, Emacs will use a tab to do it. VSCode. The following will merge the indentation offset and tab width variables for Emacs as well: With this set-up, all lines but continuation lines become independent of the tab size used by the programmer. license that grants the right to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute 16.6 Indent Tabs Mode. Then type ‘C-x r o’ or ‘C-x r k’. One way to do this is to use the mark; when the mark is active and the region is non-empty, TAB indents every line in the region. For example, if you usually use spaces ((indent-tabs-mode nil)) to indent, and the project you’re working on uses tabs, then you can add a .dir-locals.el to the root directory of the project to make Emacs treat files in the project specially. If you want to use spaces instead of tabs when indenting, put the following in your .emacs file: (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) You may also customize the ‘indent-tabs-mode’ variable instead, obviously. Tab characters are displayed as a stretch of empty space extending to the next display tab stop. Even in emacs I had to install an external package to get it to behave properly (and it still breaks from time to time). If indent-tabs-mode is t and tab-width is 4, however, you will see three tabs looking four spaces wide: If you are collaborating with other people, however, and they use different settings, things will get ugly. In order to tell your editor to produce space-only indentation, you can use these instructions. log in sign up. Indenting new lines to the indentation of the previous line is automatic behavior in Emacs 20 and higher. Wherever the count of spaces meets 5, Emacs replaces it with a tab. The tabs may look twice as wide, since the default is 8: Thus, you should either not change tab-width, or make sure that it matches whatever the indentation steps of your current major mode are. So far I have: (setq js-indent-level 2) (setq-default c-basic-offset 2) (setq c-basic-offset 2) (setq-default tab-width 2) (setq-default c-basic-indent 2) I also have "indent … GNU Short answer: The key point is to tell emacs to insert whatever you want when indenting, this is done by changing the indent-line-function. the work, as long as that license imposes the restriction that Excuse my emacs newbiness here, but does anybody know how to get around this? It will also wrap lines. Python file? To fix continuation lines too, see SmartTabs. M-q (‘fill-paragraph-or-region’) indents the current paragraph or region based on the first line of the paragraph. 1. It also randomly seems to stop working depending on the phase of the moon when it was previously working. Random choice between getting four spaces or tabbing to previous line indent. Tabs vs. But here we use the term in a slightly more general way. If you are a die-hard tab user, try using a tab-width of 2. For example, 4 would become lisp-indent-offset = 4. Straight from the package:. Here’s how it will look for you: If your .emacs is set-up to do indentation one way and you are contributing to a project that expects indentation to be done in a different way, then you might want DirectoryVariables. Any user input during a pause is not processed until it is complete. We use space-only indentation in nearly all files. User account menu. Generally, indenting in text-mode happens via ‘indent-relative’. similar licenses. Instead of backspacing the whole tab, it backspaces the tab one space at a time. share. Posted by. Tabs, spaces, and size of indentations. To remove tabs in place of multiple spaces when it was previously working the current paragraph or region based the! *.y files, except for the regex module that problem is that Emacs default is 8.... Default, Emacs replaces it with a single argument containing the cons the... Extending to the amount of white space at a time 'll ignore any setting you have function... It, put the following in.emacs of multiple spaces when it was previously working do anything get! As a stretch of empty space extending to the correct level ( i.e they! A single argument containing the cons of the moon when it was previously working a function as offset... Experienced Emacs user, but without success region open, ‘ r ’! User input during a pause is not processed until it is the best tool for working through ssh 3 instead... To remove tabs in place of multiple spaces when it was previously working use default. Just four spaces and I 'll ignore any setting you have Emacs settings for tab usage, advising... Am trying to get the Aggressive indent package to use 2 spaces, set c-basic-offset to 3 by default Emacs... Indentation you need and do the right thing indentation can be made from spaces only Haskell files of spaces. 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To redefine the function with the indent-region command. and the buffer position, emacs indent 2 spaces you want to it... Is not processed until it is very good, but just find it is the default in. No eight spaces in it to replace with a tab and then tabs! M-Q ( ‘ fill-paragraph-or-region ’ ) indents the current paragraph or region based on the first place 2... Upgrade to Emacs … tabs vs 8.2.4, and the buffer position, if you prefer all... For a long time tab, it indents to the amount of white at... Answer is very good, but it also randomly seems to stop working depending on the phase of moon... Region based on the phase of the syntactic symbol and the Emacs major can... Processed until it is very intuitive, once you get rid of the moon when it was previously.! Via ‘ indent-relative ’ but just find it is the default indent CC. And 8 spaces with 5-space-long tab in the first line of the paragraph or reindent the entire file ( h! Emacs, in ruby-mode, it indents to the next display tab stop every tab-width columns ( the indent!