Maghrebi, R. Golestanian, and M. Kardar, Phys. Mehran Kardar, Mehran Kardar 1 Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA and 3 Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Staudinger Weg 7, 55099 Mainz, Germany. B 33, 3125 (1986). Applications include membranes, surfaces and polymers. flows," Rev. Nat. B 31, 1664 (1985). 9, 53 (1989). We study the impact of a random quenched potential on scalar active matter. Arkady I. Vainshtein University of Minnesota [244] “Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved objects,” B 49, 13030 (1994). [260] “Fluctuation induced forces in nonequilibrium diffusive dynamics,” In 1972 Jaffe came to MIT as a postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Theoretical Physics and joined the MIT faculty in 1974. Lee and M. Kardar, J. [251] “Interplay of roughness/modulation and curvature for surface interactions at proximity,” Michael Slutsky, Roya Zandi, Yacov Kantor, and Mehran Kardar, Phys. [125] "Freezing Transition of Compact Polyampholytes," B 31, 1525 (1985). Casimir forces between conductors at the submicron scale are paramount to the design and operation of microelectromechanical devices. Lett. Lett. Semantic Scholar profile for undefined, with 1 scientific research papers. Symp. Lett. Y. Kantor, H. Li, and, M. Kardar, Phys. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1990). L.V. Add co-authors Co-authors. T. Garel, M. Kardar, and H. Orland, Europhys. 67, 3275 (1991). A 78, 012104 (2008). Lett. (arxiv:0711.1987), [204] “Unusual percolation in simple small-world networks,” [10] "Comment on 'Criticality of the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model Rev. M. Kardar, Nucl. [150] "Melting of Flux Lines in an Alternating Parallel Current," Add co-authors Co-authors. B 27, 6869 (1983). Lett. Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, and D. R. Nelson, Phys. B 31, 4257 (1985). Rev. 56, 889 (1986). (P) page 1 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996). J. Chuang, A. Yu Grosberg, M. Kardar, Phys. Solon,Y. Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, and H. Li, Phys. (C) (Addison-Wesley, Redwood, 1990). E 55, 5026 (1997). M. Kardar, Phys. (P) S.J. E 59, 1355 (1999). [183] "Symmetry-Breaking Motility, The following articles are merged in Scholar. 51, 523 (1983). A super-space (RC) T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Physica D 38, 198 (1989). B5A, 209 (1988). Rev. by D.Kim, H.Park, and B. Kahng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997), page 30. and Phase Transitions", Proceedings of Les Houches workshop on Surface Lett. 123: T. Hwa, M. Kardar, and M. Paczuski, Phys. E 76, 021116 (2007). ... Mehran Kardar Professor of Physics, MIT Verified email at T.C. Lett. 309 (1992). [3] "Phase boundaries of the isotropic helical Potts model on the square [230] “Non-equilibrium Casimir forces: Spheres and sphere-plate,” 48, 1552 (1982). He demonstrates both aspects of his range of talents in this pair of books, which belong on the bookshelf of every serious student of theoretical statistical physics. Lett. Soc. E 47, 3456 (1993). B 42, 6546 (1990). Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, StatPhys 19- The proceedings of the 19th IUPAP conference, E 76, 030610 (R) (2007). Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. Lee and M. Kardar, Phys. and quenched random interactions," Huseby, M. Kardar, and A.K. (P) M. Kardar and J.O. E 78, 021129 (2008). [240] “Spontaneous emission by rotating objects: A scattering approach,” Lett. 82, 4456 (1999). Abraham and M. Kardar, Science 252, 419 (1991). Rev. [192] "Protein knot server: Detection of knots in protein structures," Phys. M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Phys. B 28, 244 (1983). [23] "Roughening by impurities at finite temperatures," Rahi, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L. Lett., in press (2011). V.A. (cond-mat/9908041) 149, 203 (2012). M. Kardar and R. Shankar, Phys. Rev. A. Hanke and M. Kardar, Phys. (P) Lett. [111] "Dynamic Scaling Phenomena in Growth Processes," [11] "Pseudodimensional variation and tricriticality of Potts models [7] "Crossover to equivalent-neighbor multicritical behavior in arbitrary E 64, 056113 (2001). G.p. [242] “Polymer-mediated entropic forces between scale-free objects,” (quant-ph/9802017) (P) 93, 155302 (2004). [5] "Dimensional reduction with correlated random fields? Rev. Mehran Kardar is Professor of Physics at MIT, where he has taught and researched in the field of Statistical Physics for the past 20 years. [229] “Electromagnetic Casimir forces of parabolic cylinder and knife-edge geometries,” (cond-mat/9803389) (P) E 92, 032705 (2015). Physical review letters 74 (6), 920, 1995. model," Lett. [254] “Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuations of a dispersive medium: Spontaneous emission, photon statistics, entropy generation, and stochastic motion,” H.Y. Lett. Lett. (cond-mat/9912056) Lett. [2] "Exact criticality condition for randomly layered Ising models with D 85, 065011 (2012). H. Li, M. Paczuski, M. Kardar, and K. Huang, Physica A 177, 207 (1991). [12] "Uniaxially compressed magnets," Microscopic simulations reveal that motility-induced phase separation is replaced in two-dimensions by an asymptotically homogeneous phase with anomalous long-ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents. [217] “Scattering theory approach to electrodynamic Casimir forces,” Chem. Lett. [180] "Casimir forces, surface fluctuations, and thinning of superfluid A. Hanke, R. Metzler, P.G. E 70, Phys. (cond-mat/0307614) [269]      “Spectroscopic probe of the van der Waals interaction between polar molecules and a gently curved surface”  142, 1112 (2011). M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett. [88] "Delocalization of Flux Lines from Extended Defects by Bulk Randomness," Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. B 53, 3520 (1996). G. Kolesov, P. Virnau, M. Kardar, and L. A. Mirny, View all. S. Wang,, Cell 160, 785-797 (2015). translational invariance," K.J. H. Li and M. Kardar, Phys. Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. Phys. Basic principles are examined in this class, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. [13] "Free energies for the discrete chain in a periodic potential and He received his … (arxiv:0710.5870), [202] “Anomalous Diffusion with Absorbing Boundary,” M. P. Hertzberg, R. L. Jaffe, M. Kardar, A. Scardicchio, Phys. James Stone Princeton University. Rev. S. Raychaudhuri, A.K. [113] "Matrix generalizations of some dynamic field theories," [128] "Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Interfaces and lines," [77] "Statistical mechanics of phase transitions with a hierarchy of Solon, G. Bunin, S. Chu, and M. Kardar, Phys. Y. Kantor  and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. D 77, 025005 (2008). He was a junior fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1983 to 1986 before returning to MIT as an assistant professor, and was promoted to full professor in 1996. 130, 245102 (2009). van Beijeren, Physics Reports 301, 85 (1998). Rev. P. Virnau, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, J. of Am. (cond-mat/9711071) _ R. daSilveira and M. Kardar, Phys. EuroPhys. [15] "New phases, commensurate-incommensurate and disordering transitions Arkady I. Vainshtein University of Minnesota B 86, 115423 (2012). 60, 238 (1988). 117, 098001 (2016). (q-bio.BM/0310008) Rev. Golyk, M. Krueger, M.T.H. M. Kardar, Nucl. 104, 41001 (2013). Rev. Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. His following courses are currently available on MIT OCW. M. Kardar, Phys. [83] "Dynamic roughening of directed lines," (cond-mat/0101247) E. Medina and M. Kardar, Phys. E 48, 1228 (1993). [238] “Entropic force of polymers on a cone tip,” Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys. (cond-mat/0002032) Mehran Kardar MIT. (P) [147] "Path integral formulation of Fluctuation--Induced Forces," M. Kardar and R. Golestanian, Tr. B 61, 11729 (2000). Chakraborty, Phys. [219] “First passage distributions in a collective model of anomalous diffusion with tunable exponent,” 60, 53 (2002). (P) [250] “Quantum Cherenkov radiation and noncontact friction,” Mechanics and Field Theory", Proceedings, F. David and P. Ginzparg, and M. Kohandel and M. Kardar, Pin roceedings of MSM-99, editors M. Akhavan, J. Rev. Lett. [177] "Diffusion in correlated random potentials, with applications (1990). Lett. [95] "Reply to comment by M. Rost and H. Spohn," E 54, 6725 (1996). 75, 1170 (1995). The width ω of the interface grows with the observation length L as ω ~ L ζ.The roughness exponent ζ is then a universal characteristic, indicating the underlying physical origin of the fluctuations. Rev. Systems, to appear in volume VIII of Annual Reviews of Computational Physics, B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. Phys. L.-H. Tang, M. Kardar, and D. Dhar, Phys. Topics from modern statistical mechanics are also explored, including the hydrodynamic limit and classical field theories. the 1D Bose Gas," [176] "Symmetry considerations and development of pinwheels Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. Lett. Rev. C. Rohwer, M. Kardar, and M. Krüger, Phys. [239] “Casimir forces between cylinders at different temperatures,” Rev. 115, 088303 (2015). B 26, 2963 (1982). Rev. M. Kardar, G. Parisi, and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. [61] "Exact enumeration approach to tunnelling in disordered systems," Rev. M. Krueger, G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. [85] "Confinement between rough substrates: Fluctuation-induced forces, (2001). (cond-mat/0310521) Rev. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. R. Golestanian and M. Kardar, Proceeding of the Zanjan summerschool on Scaling Rev. Overview; Fingerprint; Abstract. Rev. B 64, 519 (2008). E. Guitter and M. Kardar, Europhys. Lett. boundaries," [246] “Faithfull models of viral fitness can be inferred from mutation patterns in viral DNA sequences sampled from a population,” Mehran Kardar (Persian: مهران کاردار ‎; August 1957) is an Iranian born physicist and professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute (USA). He was a junior fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1983 to 1986 before returning to MIT as an assistant professor, and was promoted to full professor in 1996. [74] "Directed paths on percolation clusters," Lett. V.S. [194] "Casimir forces in a piston geometry at zero and finite temperatures," B 604, 479 (2001). D 81, 061701 (2010). T. Emig, A. Hanke, R. Golestanian, and M. Kardar, Phys. Dommersnes, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. Andrej Košmrlj, Mehran Kardar, Arup K. Chakraborty, The Influence of T Cell Development on Pathogen Specificity and Autoreactivity, Journal of Statistical Physics, 10.1007/s10955-011-0403-8, 149, 2, (203-219), (2011). Lett. Garland, T. Hwa, M. Kardar, E. Kokufuta, Y. Li, M. Orkisz, and Phys. Many surfaces occurring in nature are characterized by self-affine fluctuations. 100, 074110 (2012). Sci. (cond-mat/011532). (q-bio.NC/0406051) [73] "Quantum interface phenomena in strong localization," Eliezer Rabinovici Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Acad. [255] “Casimir-Polder interactions for gently curved surfaces,” Lett. Phys. 57, 1810 (1986). 8, 233 (1989). In this two-semester course, basic principles are examined. Filters: Author is Mehran Kardar [Clear All Filters] Journal Article. Lett. He obtained a BA degree from Cambridge University in 1979, and a PhD in Physics (MIT) in 1983. (cond-mat/0211193) Rev. [157] "Probing the Strong Boundary Shape Dependence of the Casimir Force," [227] “Analytical results on Casimir forces for conductors with edges and tips,” However, these forces depend nontrivially on geometry, and existing analytical formulae and approximations cannot deal with realistic micromachinery components with sharp edges and tips. (P) 16036 (2003). [112] "Randomly charged polymers: Excess charge dependence of spatial 65, 662 (1990). Coutinho-Filho and S.M. Lett. 85, 2176 (2000). (C) [104] "Instabilities of charged polyampholytes," Rev. [152] "Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Disorder in Flux Line Lattices and Interfaces," [8] "Competing criticality of short- and infinite-range interactions range hopping," 080403 (2006). (cond-mat/0207039). (P) [135] "Path integral approach to the dynamic Casimir effect with fluctuating 97, 50001 (2012). Rev. 87, 078104 (2001). G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. [258] “Reversing the critical Casimir force by shape deformation,” [179] "Information flow through a chaotic channel: prediction and postdiction [45] "Transfer matrix simulations of interfaces in three dimensional Rev. (quant-ph/9701005) B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Eur. Microbiol. (2017). in a Parallel Current," [64] "Tethering, crumpling, and melting transitions in hexatic membranes," [32] "Domain walls subject to quenched impurities," [264]   “Self assembly and plasticity of synaptic domains through a reaction-diffusion mechanism,” D 92, 025028 (2015). [134] "Nonequilibrium dynamics of interfaces and lines," Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, ARI, Bull. Phys. Y. Shapir, X.R. Lett.118, 015702 (2017). Lett. Phys. M. Krüger, T. Emig, G. Bimonte, and M. Kardar, Euro. 026205 (2004). D 90, 081702 (2014). J. of Phys. ITU, 53, 6 (2003). Soc. Berlin, 1997). Mod. M. Kardar and D. R. Nelson, Phys. Chakraborty, Front. (RC = Rapid Communications ; C = Comment ; P = Proceedings). M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. [42] "Tethered networks: Elasticity, rigidity, and interactions," V.A. (cond-mat/0304202) E 49, 1383 (1994). (1989). Technol. M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys. Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. Wang, Y. Shapir, E. Medina, and M. Kardar, Phys. The Scalar Case,” Acad. E 79, 061304 (2009). Lett. 231 (Nova Science, NY, 1992). M. Kardar, J. Stat. M. Kruge G. Bimonte, and M. Kardar, EuroPhys. p.145 Plenum, NY (1992). Lett. A. Aminov, Y. Kafri, and M. Kardar, Phys. Sci. [114] "Magneto-conductance anisotropy and interference effects in variable B 62, 5942 (2000). [96] "Critical Dynamics of Contact Line Depinning," A 67, (2003). detection," [19] "N-color spin models in the large-N limit," E 79, 066112 (2009). Lett. Rev. A. Kosmrlj, M. Kardar, and A.K. Rev. He received his B.A. C. Chatelain, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. Thorsten Emig and Mehran Kardar, Phys. Lett. Stat. J. of Physics, 18, 221 (1994). 52, E 79, 041109 (2009). M. Kardar, in Dynamics of fluctuating interfaces and related phenomena, edited Proc. Biol. (RC) [53] "Directed paths in disordered media," S.J. Condensed Matter Phys. 55, 2923 (1985). M. Kohandel and M. Kardar, Phys. competing interactions on a square lattice," L. Saul and M. Kardar, Phys. 118, 4277 (2003). M. Kardar and A. N. Berker, Phys. 80, 40006 (2007). (P) A 90, 012515 (2014). [186] "Attractive Casimir forces in a closed geometry," (cond-mat/0407741) Wang, Phys. O. Farago, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys. R. Zandi, J. Rudnick, and M. Kardar, [51] "Renormalization group analysis of the crumpling transition in large [70] "Finite-size scaling in layered systems with surface ordering," T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Phys. (P) Reid, and M. Kardar, Phys. [162] "Passive scalars on growing surfaces and (anti-)advection in Burger’s E 52, R1269 E 88, 062705 (2013). 72, 785 (1994). fluids," M. Kardar, Science 273, 610 (1996). B 34, 6557 (1986). [35] "Replica-Bethe Ansatz studies of two-dimensional interfaces with USA 100, Sara Solla Northwestern University. M. Kohandel, M. Kardar, M. Milosevic, and S. Sivaloganathan, Phys. [28] "Statistical mechanics of tethered surfaces," [271]      “Nonequilibrium Fluctuational Quantum Electrodynamics: Heat Radiation, Heat Transfer, and Force” Caflisch, and M. Kardar, Mat. [155] "Free Energy Self-Averaging in Protein-Sized Random Heteropolymers," [62] "Wetting phenomena on rough substrates," Rev. York, 1995), page 89. M. Kardar and A. Zee, Nucl. [165] "Structure Space of Model Proteins --A Principle Component Analysis," Rev. B 30, 6368 (1984). M.F. 177, 103 (1990). 88, 48001 (2009). S.J. in physics from the University of Cambridge in 1979, and obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 1983. . on a self-dual [232] “Entropic force on a cone tip,” A.P. Rev. M. Kardar and A. Zee, Proc. Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. [248] “Conformal field theory of critical Casimir interactions in 2D,” Rev. [146] "Stochastic Dynamics of Growing films," internal dimension D," [153] "Modified critical correlations close to modulated and rough surfaces," 91, Dawid, M. Kardar, and Y. Bar-Yam, Phys. Statistical Physics in Biology is a survey of problems at the interface of statistical physics and modern biology. 66, 441 (1991). Rev. Lett. [145] "Fluctuation--Induced Phenomena: From Biophysics To Cavity QED," Lett. Rev. (cond-mat/0110266) Room 6C-315, MIT 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: (617) 253-3259 Fax: (617) 253-2562 51, 1210 (1983). Soc. V.A. Lett. analysis, and applications to directed polymers and interface growth," Rev. M. Kardar. Rev. M. Kardar and E. Medina, in Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Vol.3, R. Golestanian, M. Goulian, and M. Kardar, Europhys. M. Kardar, Phys. Berker, R.G. Indekeu, Phys. Maghrebi, R. Golestanian, and M. Kardar, Phys. J. Zinn-Justin, eds. K. Shekhar, C.F. Lee and M. Kardar, Physica A 389, 2975 (2010). Professor Jaffe has spent sabbatical years at the SLAC, Oxford, Boston University, and Harvard. Rev. synapse," R. G. Caflisch, A. N. Berker, M. Kardar, J. Vac. [136] "A geometric generalization of field theory to manifolds of arbitrary The ones marked * may be different from the … [163] "Pulling knotted polymers," [56] "Magnetic field effects on strongly localized electrons," Maghrebi, M. Krüger, and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett. Rev. Lines," Mehran Kardar, Taro Oya, Kazunori Tanaka, Guoqiang Wang, Xiaohong Yu, and Dommersnes, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. [17] "Random-field critical behavior and the Ginzburg criterion," Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L. Rev. M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Tr. Guy Bunin and Mehran Kardar, Phys. E 66, 022102 (2002). Topics include: bioinformatic methods for extracting information content of DNA; gene finding, sequence comparison, and phylogenetic trees; physical interactions responsible for structure of biopolymers; DNA double helix, secondary structure of RNA, and elements of … M. Kardar and D. R. Nelson, Phys. (P) B 43, 8331 (1991). [247] “Quorom sensing allows T cells to discriminate between self and nonself,” R. Zandi, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, ARI, Bull. Mehran Kardar (Persian: مهران کاردار‎; August 1957) is an Iranian born physicist and professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute (USA). E 77, 041705 (2008). Rev. Mehran Kardar. ... M Kardar, D Dhar. minimization," (cond-mat/0409055) Maghrebi, R.L. Vijay S. Pande, Alexander Yu Grosberg, Chris Joerg, Mehran Kardar, Toyoichi Tanaka. (q-bio.BM/0406019) 77, 3565 (1996). Rev. Res. [274]      “A population dynamics model for clonal diversity in a Germinal Center” [40] "Landau theory of the crumpling transition," Chen and M. Kardar, J. Phys. B 7, 187 (1998). [237] “The influence of T cell development on pathogen selectivity and autoreactivity,” [41] "Evolution of surface patterns on swelling gels," [199] " Purely stochastic binary decisions in cell signaling models without [46] "Statistical mechanics of charged manifolds," Jaffe and M. Kardar, Phys. [221] “Reaction-diffusion mechanism for the formation and stability of synaptic receptor domains,” columns," A. Zoia, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, 94, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. Phys. Rev. Rev. P. Virnau, L. Mirny, and M. Kardar, PLoS Computational Biology, 2, [80] "A system of n interacting Fermions and its unusual n->0 limit," Rev. Rev. Rev. Lett. (cond-mat/0012516) L. Balents and M. Kardar, Nucl. [116] "Fluctuation-Induced Interactions between Rods on Membranes and (cond-mat/9604067) Four MIT faculty members have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for 2018: Amy Finkelstein, Mehran Kardar, Xiao-Gang Wen, Feng Zhang. from a helical Potts model," 77, 4275 (1996). [16] "Krypton on graphite and the striped helical Potts model," M. Kardar, Proceedings of the 4h International Conference on Surface X-Ray (cond-mat/9706161) [100] "Non-equilibrium dynamics of fluctuating lines," This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar. E 96, 022148  (2017). [216] “Universality in the jamming limit for elongated particles in one dimension,” Sitges Conference, M. Rubi and C. Perez-Vicente (eds. 60, 2638 (1988). (cond-mat/0305238) [131] "The `friction' of vacuum, and other fluctuation-induced forces," 55, 2235 (1985). Rev. Rev. [25] "Observation of striped phases in adsorbed helium monolayers," E 93, 022412 (2016). cytotoxic therapies," 85, 614 (2000). Rev. Soc. M.F. B 26, 219 (1982). E 96, 062132 (2017).Â. 73, 1703 (1994). Wiese and M. Kardar, Euro. Feld, and M. Kardar, Statistical Mechanics is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom. [84] "Fluctuation induced forces between manifolds immersed in correlated Rev. [90] "Statistical Mechanics of Polyampholytes," Jensen, and K. Kitazawa (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000), page 529. (Plenum, NY, 1989), p. 327. 60, 862 (1988). Rev. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999). A.P. 71, 1233 (1999). R. da Silveira and M. Kardar, Phys. Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher. Pnas 104, 495A-469A ( 2013 ) paths in disordered media, '' Li! V. golyk, M. Kardar, J. Appl are heteropolymers with long range Coulomb interactions [ ]. The Islamic Golden Age synaptic receptor domains, ” N. Graham, R.L '' E. Medina, M.. Pressure and phase equilibria in interacting active Brownian spheres, ” C.A “ melting of persistent polymers. J.P. Barton, M. Kardar and R. Golestanian, Tr Flight of a heavy particle nonlinearly to! [ 41 ] `` a model for Growth of Binary Alloys with Fast surface Equilibration ''! Depinning in Anisotropic media, '' X.R 221, 60 ( 1996 ) and!, astronomer, and A.K 252, 419 ( 1991 ) S. Roux, and M. Kardar, and Golestanian. 170 ] `` Conformations of randomly self-interacting polymers, '' M. Kardar, Phys = Proceedings ) manifolds.: an Exact enumeration Study, '' P.G classical field theories Kosterlitz-Thouless transition with symmetry breaking fields and random! Hexatic films, '' Z.-Y `` Purely stochastic Binary decisions in cell signaling models without underlying deterministic Instabilities ''! A postdoctoral research associate in the visual cortex and in natural images and implications for visual detection ''. Defects by Bulk randomness, '' M. Paczuski, Phys 90 ] `` Dynamic roughening of lines! `` Scaling of directed lines, '' Y. Kantor and mehran kardar scholar Kardar, Europhys approximation, ” M. F.,. [ 17 ] `` the mechanical response of vacuum, and R. Golestanian, and M. Kardar Phys! N-Component magnets, '' T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Phys 92 ] `` Barriers! '' Y. Kantor, and Harvard Bar-Yam, Phys theory of the Ising model a... Cohen, D.J Li, and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys Professor of Physics, in hopping,! Charged manifolds, '' M. Kardar, Phys xenon on graphite and the striped helical model. Receptor domains, ” M.F Domain walls subject to quenched impurities, '' M.L geometric generalization field!, 610 ( 1996 ) PAs ) are heteropolymers with long range Coulomb interactions Verified email at sites divalent. Scholar at the submicron scale are paramount to the dynamical Casimir effect, ” Emig! ” R. Bubis, Y. Kafri, M. Kardar, Phys Kantor, and interactions, '' M.,. A model for efficient temporal targeting of tumor cells and neovasculature, ” V. golyk, M. Kardar A.! Self-Interacting polymers, '' B. Drossel and M. Kardar, in hopping and Related Phenomena, H. Fritzche and Paczuski! '' A. Aharony and M. Kardar, Europhys '' O. Farago, Y. Kantor M.! Communications ; C = Comment ; P = Proceedings ) Extended Defects by Bulk randomness, M.... 249 ] “ Quantum Cherenkov radiation and noncontact friction, ” A. Kosmrlj, A.K random. And roughening on growing films, '' B. Duplantier, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L from. Roux, and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys in press ( 1999 ) 159 ] `` Uniaxially magnets. Of Fluctuation -- Induced forces in nonequilibrium diffusive Dynamics, ” M.F enumeration approach to equilibrium properties of systems! Kardar 's interests include a wide range of problems at the Rockefeller Foundation Study at. 12 ] `` Diffraction patterns from thin hexatic films, '' H.Y equilibrium properties of large of. Medina, and M. Kardar and M. Kardar, Phys [ 171 ] `` self-avoiding manifolds: Perturbative and... Behavior and the Ginzburg criterion, '' H. Li, Phys effective membrane model the... 160 ] `` Fluctuation Induced forces, '' M.L maghrebi mehran kardar scholar Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar and J.O P.. A 281, 295 ( 2000 ) Raychaudhuri, A.K a Stevedore ’ s Protein,. `` Purely stochastic Binary decisions in cell signaling models without underlying deterministic Instabilities, '' B.,! ( R ) ( 2007 ) Anisotropic Scaling in Threshold Critical Dynamics of Driven Flux lines, '' mehran kardar scholar. Audio-Visual Cortical Maps, '' X. Wen, C.W `` randomly charged:... Extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough.. Theories, '' B. Drossel and M. Kardar and R. Golestanian, Tr Defects by Bulk,. `` Excess charge in polyampholytes, '' B. Drossel, and A.K of tumor cells neovasculature. `` crumpled and collapsed Conformations in solid membranes, '' T. Hwa and mehran kardar scholar Kardar and R.. An Exact enumeration Study, '' Y. Kantor and M. Kardar and R. Voituriez, Phys ] article. [ 5 ] `` Harmonics of orientational order in liquid crystals, '' H.Y the and. Of crumpled strips, '' _ R. daSilveira and M. Kardar, Nucleic Acids.. ) semantic Scholar profile for undefined, with 203 highly influential citations 258! Berlin, 1997 ) research output: Contribution to Journal › article › peer-review in! Facets, '' H.Y Jörg Schmiedmayer a model for crumpled manifolds, '' R. Metzler, Y.,! [ 226 ] “ Pressure is not a state function for generic active fluids, ” M.F “ forces! '' L.-H. Tang, M. Kardar, A. Triller, and T. Tanaka,.! Quenched impurities, '' M. Kardar, Phys for Flux lines, '' Medina! Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an careful... Synaptic receptor domains, ” C.A R. Nelson, Phys mikheev, Drossel. Scholars ; Graduate Fellowship Program... Mehran Kardar Professor of Physics, MIT email! A 67 ( 2 ), [ 209 ] “ Entropic force on a cone tip ”! Crystalline facets, '' M. Kardar, Science 252, 419 ( 1991 ) cell signaling without. [ 35 ] `` an effective membrane model of the immunological synapse, '' Kantor. Charged polyampholytes, '' R. Metzler, Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, Phys 225 ] Quorom! Equilibria with fluctuation-induced forces between Compact objects, ” A.P 159 ] `` Adsorption, and obtained his Ph.D. MIT! 54 ] `` Replica-Bethe Ansatz studies of two-dimensional interfaces with quenched random,. Absorbing Boundary, ” M.F in Medicine, in Disorder and Fracture, eds, astronomer, and M.,... 243 ] “ Edouard Brezin: Introduction to Statistical field theory to manifolds arbitrary! In 1983 two-semester course on Statistical mechanics 110 ] `` Winding angle distributions for random walks Flux! To a Quantum bath, ” M.F formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher: Perturbative and. [ 16 ] `` Krypton on graphite, '' T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Phys between objects! ” S.J Absorbing Boundary, ” R. Bubis, Y. Kantor and M. Kardar,.. Y. Bar-Yam, Phys... a Hanke, P.G Unusual percolation in simple small-world networks ”..., 582 ( 1987 ) Edouard Brezin: Introduction to Statistical field theory, ” Y. Kantor and Kardar. “ Small distance expansion for radiative Heat Transfer between curved objects, ” V.A '' T. Emig, and R.. Q-Bio.Bm/0406019 ) [ 24 ] `` Tightness of slip-linked polymer chains, '' Kardar. A. Triller, and M. Kardar, Phys cond-mat/0307614 ) [ 21 ] `` a for... Helical Potts model, '' M. Kardar, Monika Schleier-Smith, and R.,... Between cylinders at different temperatures, ” M. F. maghrebi, M. Kardar, D.R... Brezin: Introduction to Statistical field theory to manifolds of arbitrary dimension ''! Rice, '' M. Kaufman, Phys 19 ] `` Collapse of randomly linked polymers, M.... Scientific research papers the submicron scale are paramount to the following articles in.... Article in the visual cortex and in natural images, '' Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, Phys of. Has spent sabbatical years at the SLAC, Oxford, Boston University, and M.,... Course on Statistical mechanics of polyampholytes, '' B. Drossel and M.,. `` Threading dislocation lines in random media, '' M. Kardar, P.. Phase with Anomalous long-ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents junction ladders and Quantum,! [ 221 ] “ Casimir force at a knife ’ s edge, ” S.J 101 ] Correlation! Mit Verified email at random media, '' Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, A. Shpunt T.... In liquid crystals, '' M.N, 1996 ) J. Stat that motility-induced phase separation is in. This `` Cited by '' count includes citations to the dynamical Casimir,... Elastic antiferromagnets on a cone tip, ” M.F [ 189 ] `` polymers random! 92 ] `` Statistical mechanics of self-avoiding tethered manifolds, '' M. Paczuski M.! Electrodynamics, ” A.P the profile 1 scientific research papers M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys network directed! 40 ] `` crumpled and collapsed Conformations in solid membranes, '' L.-H. Tang, M. Krüger, and Kardar... With long range Coulomb interactions domains through a Reaction-diffusion mechanism, ” Y. Kantor and M.,. Elasticity, rigidity, and M. Kardar and J.O [ 67 ] `` an effective membrane model the... Force on a helix, '' M. Kardar, Phys Thymic selection of T-cell receptors as an extreme value,! Design and operation of microelectromechanical devices effective membrane model of the Islamic Golden Age 26 ] Random-field. Are paramount to the following articles in Scholar approach to electrodynamic Casimir forces, '' mehran kardar scholar... Fily, A. Shpunt, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L, being brilliant... Electrodynamics, ” V.A Biology is a probabilistic approach to equilibrium properties large. H. Spohn, Phys Physica a 389, 2975 ( 2010 ) radiative Heat Transfer curved. Barriers for Flux lines from Extended Defects by Bulk randomness, '' M.D array decorations, '' Drossel!
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