If you have experienced some unwanted algae, or are trying to get your pool from green to blue, we suggest you run your pool for 24 hours per day until the condition of your pool improves. An average rule of thumb for the Las Vegas and Henderson Valley area is an hour for each 10″ increase in temperature. Water goes back into your pool through return jets embedded in the walls of the pool. If you need to know how many hours to run a pool filter, determine your pool's volume by multiplying the length, width, and depth of the pool. To work out how long this is: Locate the manual for your pump, if you don’t have it look at your pool pump, find the model number and search online for it. Keeping all these pools clean is a lot of work, especially for your pool pump. While you may be using your swimming pool less frequently as fall activities start to take over, there is one important thing to remember: Do not turn off your water pump. Our selection of swimming pool pumps are designed for most domestic or semi-commercial swimming pool filtration applications. How long the heat pump has to run to maintain 95 degrees in your pool will depend on where you are in Florida, the size of your pool & the actual model of heat pump that you have installed. If, you have a small pool, then you could have the pump run for a reduced time ending 7am. Rather, a swimming pool's main drain, if it has one, is a suction device. Even though you probably have about a week, it is best to have a working system for optimum performance. Experts recommend running the pool pump during the day for 8 hours for efficient pool … After you pour all of the swimming pool shock into the swimming pool you will want to brush the entire pool and let the filter run for at least 24 hours or more. How To Calculate Pool Pump Run Time. Maximizing Pump Lifespan. Be sure to check out our recommendations for the best single and variable speed pumps as well. However look into a smaller pump that you can hook into the system, as a well maintained pool will easily be kept in better condition when run 24 7 Then just use main pump for back flushing and when pool in full service. Backwash the pool filters before flocking, then broadcast the floc over the water. Although I have been told to turn on the filter at least 15 minutes before swimming and leave on while swimming. You are not supposed to touch the pool floor. But how long should you run the filter pump? Most of a pool filter pump’s job is moving dirt/debris laden water though baskets and filters to send cleaner water back to the pool. Please also remember that you will have to backwash as well, so remember to keep an eye on the filter gauge. 13,000 gallons / 24 hours = 542 gallons per hour if you run the pump 24 hours per day (or 1084 gallons per hour if I only want to run the pump at night for 12 hours) Sand bagging your pool equipment could save you from pump replacement, if flood waters rise above the equipment pad. If you're keeping almost all debris out with a cover, the filtration need is all but eliminated. A personal Oasis to cool off from the summer heat, or a peaceful retreat for warm midnight swims in fall. Florida has over 1 million inground residential swimming pools, second to only California’s 1.2 million plus. Once water is sucked into a swimming pool's main drain, it's whisked via piping to the pool's filtration unit. Systems that are running: Run the filtration pump and all auxiliary pumps continuously (the pool cleaner pump does not need to run). If you have a pool, then you almost assuredly have a pool filter pump. If the swimming pool is completely green, filter it for 12 hours then backwash as normal. While it might not seem possible, it's actually less expensive to run your pool water pump 24/7 if you have the correct pump … Another method that works for the Southern states well is to split up the pump run times. In our inground pool example, we need a pool pump with a 20.8-43 GPM flow rate range and 50 TDH (also called Feet of Head). When you heat your swimming pool not only do you need to choose the most appropriate type of heater to match your needs, you should also think about how the heater will be connected to your pool and the other equipment. Next, divide the pool volume by the filtration rate, which you can get from the pump’s manufacturer. You definitely do not need to filter your water 24 hours every day but you certainly can say that it is optimal for the pool if you do so. It's also important for the water to have sufficient chlorine (minimum, 1 ppm). To do this adequately you need to run the filter long enough each day to pump a volume of water equal to the total volume of your pool. During the summer, pumps run during the day-time. If your pool has a tendency to flood in some areas of the pool deck, and if run-off from heavy rains ends up in the pool – it needs to be fixed. These steps should be followed to help prevent any damage to your pool and/or equipment. If you own a swimming pool, then you already just how great it is — the convenience of having a cool, refreshing, and healthy source of recreation right in your backyard. Then turn the pump … Longer filtration cycles mean cleaner water and better circulation. All you need to do is give a call to the electricity provider to gain information about the peak hours. While cycling outside can be a great form of cross-training or injury rehabilitation, hilly terrain can force you to work harder than you’d like. Use a timeclock to operate your pool pump, and reset it as needed, to maintain water clarity. If you are at all unsure of how do to these calculation please contact UK Pool Store and we will be happy to work out which swimming pool pump will be required. The time of day or night you need to run your pool depends on factors such your energy saving needs, the length of time you need to run your pool pump and the pumps’ efficiency among other factors. Absolutely! However, all swimming pools are unique, so we suggest you running your pool pump for 7 to 8 hours each day during the summer. Run the circulation pump for two hours, occasionally brushing down the sides of the pool. You will be able to maintain your fitness even if you’re not doing any running on land. Keep in mind that you pool run in the deep end. You might even try a couple of different ways, but I lean towards running it during the day. Hello Depending on how pool is used i.e.is it seasonal, better to keep pool pump running during season and periodically out of season. If you don’t have a timeclock, you may as well just run the pool pump 24 hrs/day, so you … Flooding however is the real problem. it am pretty sure it is safe to run a pool pump when it is raining because where i live it rains a lot and nothing happens to the pool. Then in late spring, a month before opening, you could do the same thing, raise the water level and run the filter a few hours daily, with the cover still on the pool. Problem #5 – Poor Water Drainage. As you are aware of it, you should try scheduling the run time of the pool pump for keeping the price really low. Knowing that a pool pump filter system is the second highest energy consumer during the summer, (after AC units), we want you … You should get your pump fixed as soon as possible. Turn the multiport valve back to filter and insert the pool cleaner; NOTE: Do not swim for two hours after adding the Aqua Pro Algaecide. If functioning properly, your freeze guard should run the pump automatically until temperatures rise above freezing. In our case, we are on a 48c Feed in Tariff so I run the pump at night when the panels aren't producing to maximise export. Oversizing pumps have become such an issue that the State of California (a big pool state), recently enacted a law to control how big of a pump could be placed in a swimming pool. You can minimize the amount of time you need to run your pool pump and increase its service life with proper cleaning and maintenance of your swimming pool. Putting the cover on can help protect the pool while the system is off. You can make use of the programmable pool timer with an eye to turning the pool pump on and off during the right time. While running your pool pump for 8 hours a day is ideal, running it for 2 full cycles is even better. Let the pool pump run for one to two hours. In this case you can reduce the time you run your swimming pool pump. Here is the average monthly costs for the average 1 HP pump to run. People, however, can run or swim, and the filter pump should be running while they're swimming. Pool pumps keep swimming pools clean by ‘turning over’ the water — circulating the pool water through the filter daily to remove bacteria, algae, and particles. if you don't cover your pool then all the bugs like masquito's and there larva will get into the pool and other bugs too and it will get all slimey in the bottom (more than it would when covered). The the filter pump must be run at the same time as the solar booster pump else it blocks or restricts the flow of water. First things first, your pool needs ample filter run time in order to keep up. According to Florida Power and Electric reducing a pool pump by 2 hours will save you about $10 per month. Dilute it at least 10 to 1 in a bucket before adding it, and brush the pool thoroughly. While the United States Department of Energy recommends reducing the number of hours that you run your pump each day, our staff at Sunset Pools & Spas disagrees with this advice. A pump is located underneath or near a swimming pool equipped with a main drain and it's used to pull water down into the drain. Unfortunately, these are also peak hours for energy consumption, but it is the best time of day to run the pool pump. However, the typical turnover rate for an average pump running an average-sized residential pool is somewhere between 6 and 10 hours. Let’s say if you run your pool pump around eight hours a day, split it up four and four. Most heat pumps will do just fine running about 16 hours a day or less on a year round basis. At E-Z Test Pools we always recommend running the pump and filter 12 hours per day, every day . As for whats best for the pool itself, not really sure. There you have it! A swimming pool specialist can easily help you calculate exactly how much time your specific pool pump will take to complete a full cycle. Pumps run, but I've never known them to swim. You could however, cover the pool and run the filter until Halloween, then winterize (lower the water level, plug the lines, and drain the hoses, pump, filter, etc). Closing thoughts on how long to run your swimming pool pump. What to Do when You are on Vacation, but your Swimming Pool is not! But the choice of when to run is up to the pool owner. What kind of cover do you have?