2) Project risk These Objective type Software Engineering Test Questions. d. Iterative Enhancement Model, a. Before Moving Ahead with the Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – MCQs, Lets have a look at what we will learn in this section. sir software engg que and ans plz send m pdf, Your email address will not be published. object oriented se; analysis & design of algo; wireless technology; erp system; bca. d. Closed paradigm. Software Engineering lecture notes include software engineering notes, software engineering book, software engineering courses, software engineering syllabus, software engineering question paper, MCQ, case study, s oftware engineering questions and answers and available in software engineering pdf form. c. New application development projects 21) Which software enables the program to adequately manipulate information? c. Improve the testing process. Contains Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Software Engineering or Software Engineering mcq from chapter Software Requirements Analysis and Specifications. Page 11/29. a. Iterative Development Requirement gathering b. b. Copyright 2020 , Engineering Interview Questions.com, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Objective Questions with Answers, 300+ [UPDATED] Software Engineering MCQs Pdf. a. What will you do to minimize the risk of software failure? After finishing the BCA course, the student has the option to pursue higher education through MCA. c. Analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance a. W3HH principle 1) Which of the following is/are considered stakeholder in the software process? Requirement Gathering c. Measure c. Documents Read PDF Software Engineering Mcq With Answers Software Engineering Mcq With Answers This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this software engineering mcq with answers by online. 27) Which of the following is not a part of the Test Implementation and Execution Phase? Design quality a. Verifiable c. Stress Testing Acces PDF University Questions For Bca Software Engineering conveys the publication and lesson to the readers are agreed simple to understand. d. None of the above. b. Waterfall Model C - Matrices. (D) configuration management. Share. Multiple choice questions on Software Engineering topic Requirements Modeling. As understood, skill does not suggest that you have fantastic points. Statement 3: Software is a logical rather than a physical system element. Only Statement 2 and 3 are correct. What are the characteristics of software? Unit 4. b. Waterfall model. c. Corrective d. All of the above. 15) What is the meaning of requirement elicitation in software engineering? a. HR Plan a. a. Request a large budget B) Specific requirements model elements such as data flow diagrams or analysis classes, their relationships and collaborations for the problem at hand; b. a. exam-notes-of-software-engineering-bca 1/6 Downloaded from happyhounds.pridesource.com on December 11, 2020 by guest Read Online Exam Notes Of Software Engineering Bca Getting the books exam notes of software engineering bca now is not type of challenging means. Software Maturity Index a. 2) If they are valid and as per functionality and domain of software These multiple choice questions on Software Engineering are very useful for NIELIT, BCA, B.Sc. 1) Which of these software characteristics are used to determine the scope of a software project? Programming Language BCA-505: Operations Research. c. Data storage Instructions d. Technical reviews, ANSWER: Software configuration management. elementary physics; principle of programming language; computer organisation; bca ii video. b. Preparing Multiple Choice Question. Clean room software engineering method removes defects before software gets into trouble. a. c. Getting the requirements from client. b. d. Abstraction. Relative Application Development. c. Object-Oriented After finishing the BCA course, the student has the option to pursue higher education through MCA. Which design identifies the software as a system with many components interacting with each other? b. c. V-model ANSWER: None of the above. System Analysis b. Functional view This section focuses on "Software Requirements" of Software Engineering. d. Common Aided Software Engineering. b. 6) Waht is the most common measure for correctness? c. Both A & B People, performance, payment, product 306) Software process and improvement are assessed by ____. The level at which the software uses scarce resources is ______ . d. Black box testing. d. Box Structure Sampling. … Statement 1 and 2 are correct. System software a. Static view d. 1,3 and 4. a. c. 1-a , 2-c , 3-d , 4-b c. Both A & C Acceptance Phase. c. Integrated case tools b. Interoperability c. RAD Model. a. 0. c. Schedule risk b. 44) Give the disadvantages of modularization. Are most useful in uncovering defects in the process flows during real world use of the system. Beta Testing respected, 322) Application that generate a dialogue to get confirmation from user and to delete a file it is an example for _____ . Swim lane diagram c. Feedback systems a. b. d. Structured Requirements Diagram, ANSWER: Structured Requirements Definition. Risk monitoring b. RE = P/L b. c. Embedded software d. Designing the Tests. c. Sandwich testing S/W Project planning Objectives, Decomposition techniques: S/W Sizing, Problem-based estimation, Process based estimation, Cost Estimation Models: COCOMO … 1. Technical risk d. None of the above, ANSWER: Reliable and cost effective software. b. Classes a. c. ii and iii are True; i, iv are False This test is very useful for campus placement. C - Stacks and Queues. 6) The process togather the software requirements from Client, Analyze and Document is known as ______ . c. Negotiation & discussion c. People, product, performance, project d. Quality control effectiveness. Requirement documentation Project planning Maintenance ——————— d. Performance tuning. To know more about BCA Syllabus, candidates can go through the article. CAME tools Capability Maturity Model Integration 320) Which metrics are derived by normalizing quality and/or productivity measures by considering the size of the software that has been produced? c. Software Maturity Instruction a. c. Dependence on external environment 304) Which Software-end factors affecting maintenance Cost? (C) quality management. 25) Find out which phase is not available in SDLC? b. Project is routine activity or day-to-day operations. Prepare now to crack your campus placements, off-campus job interviews or other certification exams. Software Engineering is defined as systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach for the development, operation and maintenance of software. c. Desired level of abstraction can be brought in the program Statement 1: Software is a physical rather than a logical system element. a. 36) Solve this problem. c. System Testing a. 14) What is the testing to ensure the WebApp properly interfaces with other applications or databases? Free download in PDF Software Engineering Objective Type Questions and Answers or Software Engineering mcq from chapter Software Engineeing Fundamentals. b. Preventive maintenance a. Check-box d. None of the above. ANSWER: People, product, process, project. c. Persistent classes b. Only context. b. Communication, Planning, Modeling, construction, deployment. Time estimation b. c. Encapsulation 310) Which of the following is not a section in the standard for SQA plans recommended by IEEE? 11) Configuration management is an essential part of the system maintenance. 42) Requirement engineering process includes which of these steps? The most important feature of spiral model is | Software Engineering Mcqs (A) requirement analysis. 14) Which design defines the logical structure of each module and their interfaces that is used to communicate with other modules? d. Encapsulation, a. Random paradigm c. Product quality attributes d. All mentioned above d. Communication. If P is risk probability, L is loss, then Risk Exposure (RE) is computed as_____ . Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with development of software product using well-defined scientific principles, methods and procedures. a. Feasibility study 12) Which model is also known as Verification and validation model? c. Both A & B State box 32) The model in which the requirements are implemented by its category is ______ . Define Linear Sequential Development Application enhancement projects Link: Complete Notes. Comments. a. Risk management Software Engineering lecture notes include software engineering notes, software engineering book, software engineering courses, software engineering syllabus, software engineering question paper, MCQ, case study, software engineering questions and answers and … 4. c. Analytical Estimation Technique. Click here for Descriptive Questions You See . Q.1 The most important feature of spiral model is (A) requirement analysis. 30) Which plan describes how the skills and experience of the project team members will be developed ? c. Data coupling What is the minimum number of socks you need to take to ensure you have a matching pair?" software engineering syllabus, software engineering question paper, MCQ, case study, s oftware engineering questions and answers and available in software engineering pdf form. d. Preventive maintenance. 38) Which factors affect the probable consequences if a risk occur? 3) Technical risk Read PDF Software Engineering Notes For Bca Bangalore University Software Engineering Notes For Bca Bangalore University Yeah, reviewing a ebook software engineering notes for bca bangalore university could accumulate your close links listings. a. b. c. Dynamic view There are twenty different socks of two types in a drawer in one dark room. Business risk d. Organization changes. d. All of the above. 5) From the following select the correct option that is used to display the available option for selection. Resources expended c. Testing MCA, M.Sc. c. $ per KLOC c. Practical-type d. Application maintenance projects, ANSWER: New application development projects. a. Basic Software Engineering MCQ - This section is a library of more than 500 questions in form of mcq or multiple choice questions with answer related to various topics in software engineering. Software Engineering pdf files are listed below please check it – Complete Notes. b. c. Project managers Which is the most important feature of spiral model? By Sarthak Desai. Understanding of requirement. It may vary Software-to-software to ensuring which model is suitable. d. All mentioned above. Direct measures Requirement Engineering Process Software System Specifications Software Metrics and Measures Application Systems and Design Issues Software Development Methods and Reuse Verification and Validation Software Testing and Cost Estimation Quality Management Process Improvement and Measurement. b. d. Scalability. a. c. Behavioural elements c. Coding Announcement. d. All mentioned above. b. Nonfunctional Requirement. a. d. Computer Analysis Software Engineering, ANSWER: Computer Aided Software Engineering. d. Both B & C, a. d. Dialogue box. Time 24) Which model is also called as the classic life cycle or the Waterfall model? Closed paradigm d. Contingency planning. a. After completing BCA, a student can go for MCA which is a master course in computer application and is considered equivalent to engineering course (B.Tech). software engineering notes. b. Tester 5. c. Synchronous paradigm High-level designs 4) If they are completed. Data flow Procedural cohesion Course Title: Software Engineering (4 Credits). a. 9) Which is not a step of Requirement Engineering? b. 1) Schedule risk a. Threads 8 Messages 15. The total size of the memory system is ... North West Corner Method /*North West Corner … d. All mentioned above. Software project management comprises of a number of activities, which contains _________. d. None of the above, a. 323) What is used for implementing the changes in existing or new requirements of user in software maintenance? c. Key classes d. Testing. Unit 5. Cost effective software b. 1,2 and 3 Relationship BCA Software Engineering Software Characteristics, Components, Applications, Software process Models: Waterfall, spiral, Prototyping, Fourth Generation Techniques, Concepts of Project Management, and Role of Metrics & Measurements. Concept development projects c. Code quality c. Testing. b. a. is called ______ . 19) Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers? Reducing quality CASE Tools Software Design MCQs. 4) Verify the scope. d. Documentation. 303) If requirements are easily understandable and defined then which model is best suited? 2) Database capabilities Good knowledge of programming languages is the key to success in this field. a. Facilitated Application Software Technique. 25) Match the List 1 to List 2 and choose the correct option. d. None of the above. Software Requirements MCQ. GATE CSE MCQs. Twitter. c. Verifiable b. Regression testing if you need... 4th semester. This app has more than 10,000 multiple choice questions and answers. ANSWER: Constructive Cost Estimation Model. The BCA course details mentioned below will give students domain expertise. b. b. d. Staff Development Plan. c. Integration testing a. b. MCA, M.Sc. d. End users. d. All of the above. c. Prototyping model b. Bca second semester financial Accounting MCQ question paper for practice first Term Preboard and Final term this question is only profit for BCA students which is studying in Nepal. a. Adaptive maintenance 2. Every project may not have a unique and distinct goal. b. a. Communication, risk management, measurement, production, deployment. What is the minimum number of socks you need to take to ensure you have a matching pair?" User documentation d. Radio-Button. 24) One of the fault base testing techniques is ______ . bca i video. b. c. Performance Software Engineering Basics MCQs . d. None of the above. Program can be divided based on functional aspects He comes up with the following test cases, many of which are redundant. Nov 3, 2020; ManthanDeo2002; BCA … As understood, expertise does not suggest that you have wonderful points. a. c. Project estimation The daily language usage makes the university questions for bca software engineering leading in experience. a. High-level design C - Stacks and Queues. 324) Lehman has given eight laws for software evolution and he divided software into three categories. 1 mark for each correct answer and 0.25 mark will be deducted for wrong answer..... © Copyright 2016. BCA Books & Study Materials PDF Download for 1st year, 2nd year & final year: BCA Course structure is pretty same as the traditional B.Sc Course program.Check the BCA Course details from this page and then download BCA 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd-year Notes & Study Materials in PDF formats. b. e. None of the above. Implementation Data structures pdf lecture notes/handouts download for third semester BCA students. a. 1. Develop the software. 5 BCA 1: Java Programming and Web Page Development. 2) IEEE provides a standard as IEEE 830-1993. 13) From the following give three major categories of risk, b. 302) In which elicitation process the developers discuss with the client and end users and know their expectations from the software? (D) configur... MCQs on Microprocessors 1. a. Software design. 50) Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of _______. a. Empirical Estimation Technique. d. Both B and C, a. Manager Plan Facebook. Business risk d. Technical risks. Computer Authorized Software Engineering Company wants to develop a project. b. Functional Application Software Technique. Manufacturing a. The BCA course details mentioned below will give students domain expertise. You can add files such as pictures, audio and video to the options. C Programs. d. None of the above. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced. B.Tech civil (CEEG 201) Academic year . c. Detailed design ANSWER: Statement 2 and 3 and 4 are correct. Software testing is a process without which the Software Development … 6) What is a child window that contains message for the user and request for some action to be taken? a. b. Regression testing a. Waterfall model Software Model Instruction Scenario scripts b. Text-box c. Line length and wrapping b. Functionality a. c. Detailed design The BCA is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications for duration of 3 years. a. Usability a. 9. BCA Books & Study Materials PDF Download for 1st year, 2nd year & final year: BCA Course structure is pretty same as the traditional B.Sc Course program.Check the BCA Course details from this page and then download BCA 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd-year Notes & Study Materials in PDF formats. Free download in PDF Software Engineering Objective Type Questions and Answers or Software Engineering mcq from chapter Software Engineeing Fundamentals. 3 ) a project manager of 25 questions on software Engineering app has than! 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